here I stand before a polished mirror, although, i wouldn’t really know; i’m steady staring at the floor. to avoid the stark glare of error, don’t even look up, out of this throe; i won’t see anything worth caring for….

Just poetry of varying styles. Some were written on my iPhone late at night, lying in bed as sleep eluded me. Some were written from thin air, each line coming to mind only after the previous had been written. Still, others were written based on a thought or feeling I had at the moment.
here I stand before a polished mirror, although, i wouldn’t really know; i’m steady staring at the floor. to avoid the stark glare of error, don’t even look up, out of this throe; i won’t see anything worth caring for….
While the Bible others do read, I astray my life would lead. Perhaps He wanted only for me To first see before I might believe. So that when all was right, I could awaken from my night “For we live…
How swiftly by does go the time How strangely amenable we remain How acutely unaware are you and I How absurdly prepared do we feign How blatently the same a chain on a lamp How simply easy the tug it…
How silly of me To wanna be A different me Especially When pretending to be Affects me More oppositely And somewhat shamefully So I should be The actual me That everyone sees Since obviously I can never be The real…
In this worldly moment I am both hurt and proud. Holding in my arms your dawn, fresh light of sun, I abhor the shadowy aura cast below your cloud Eager to tragically end what beauty we’ve begun. Six months to…
Fell asleep with my hands clasped of flowers Placed there after I’d already lost my powers Sweet scents that will never pleasure a nose Because in short time, so goes a wilted rose
Go ahead; exit from your forest. It’s too crowded in there to see. Too… Go ahead; step to the edge. You cannot achieve freedom from fear By cowering in your physical body.
Cobble this path with stones of my imagination And let me stand no more at this dusty station. Pour to the dirt only the froth of negativity And keep only the immiscible will To abandon My own Foolish Captivity.